We are proud to say that 2018 was a year of profound transformation and record impact at Global Footprint Network. It is also a year during which we detected encouraging signals in the public debate about sustainability. Throughout Europe, and increasingly in Asia, Latin America and North America, Earth Overshoot Day is becoming a mainstream event. The demand for solutions through appropriate policy making and thoughtful business strategies is also gaining momentum. Led by Greta Thunberg, a youth movement began and put the spotlight on world leaders to act now on climate change.
Bearing all this in mind, Ecological Footprint accounting remains an essential metric to not only allow our economies to succeed but to ensure that all thrive within our one-planet context. You can learn more about our strategy here.
Some 2018 accomplishments include:
- We launched a collaboration with York University, Toronto, to build an independent organization for the National Footprint and Biocapacity Accounts.
- Our Footprint Calculator was used more than 3 million times to help individuals assess their personal Ecological Footprint and determine their very own Earth Overshoot Day.