Swiss Overshoot Day 2023
Media Toolkit

Thank you for promoting Swiss Overshoot Day! We’ve compiled the following graphics, videos, and text for you to share through social media, newsletters, blog posts, and/or your organization’s website.

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Facebook – @GlobalFootprintNetwork
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Twitter – @EndOvershoot
YouTube – GlobalFootprintNet

Use the hashtag #MoveTheDate

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Switzerland Fact Sheet (English only)

Suggested Twitter text (see above for our other social media handles):
May 13 is Swiss #Overshoot Day. According to @EndOvershoot, this is the date when Earth #OvershootDay would fall if all of humanity consumed resources like residents of #Switzerland.

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Suggested Twitter text (see above for our other social media handles):
🇨🇭 Swiss #Overshoot Day is May 13, meaning we would need 2.8 Earths if everyone lived like people in #Switzerland. Learn more about Switzerland’s resource consumption from @EndOvershoot.

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English: InstagramTwitter
Deutsch: InstagramTwitter
Français: InstagramTwitter
Italiano: InstagramTwitter

English: If Switzerland followed its original Paris goal of cutting its 1990-emission in half by 2030, Swiss Overshoot Day would move by 72 days to July 24th. 

German: Würde die Schweiz ihre Treibhausgasemissionen bis 2030 im Vergleich zu 1990 halbieren, wie dies das Pariser Abkommen vorsieht, würde sich der Swiss Overshoot Day um 72 Tage auf den 24.  

French: Si la Suisse réduisait de moitié ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre d’ici 2030 par rapport à 1990, comme le prévoit l’Accord de Paris, le Swiss Overshoot Day serait repoussé de 72 jours, soit au 24 juillet. 

Italian: Tuttavia, se la Svizzera rispettasse l’obiettivo originario di Parigi di dimezzare le emissioni del 1990 entro il 2030, lo Swiss Overshoot Day si sposterebbe di 72 giorni, al 24 Luglio. 

Choose format to view/download:
English: InstagramTwitter
Deutsch: InstagramTwitter
Français: InstagramTwitter
Italiano: InstagramTwitter

Suggested Twitter text (see above for our other social media handles):
Switzerland consumes 4.4 times more than its own ecosystems can regenerate. Check out this graphic from @EndOvershoot to see how Switzerland’s demand on its ecosystems compares to that of other countries.

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Deutsch: small (0.2 MB) | large (0.4 MB) | PDF (2.0 MB)
 small (0.2 MB) | large (0.4 MB) | PDF (2.0 MB)
Italiano: small (0.2 MB) | large (0.4 MB) | PDF (2.0 MB)

Suggested Twitter text (see above for our other social media handles):
May 13 is Swiss #Overshoot Day. We’d need 2.8 Earths if everyone on the planet consumed resources at the same rate as residents of #Switzerland. Here’s how Switzerland’s resource consumption compares to that of other countries.
@EndOvershoot #MoveTheDate

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English: small (0.2 MB) | large (0.5 MB) | PDF (15.0 MB)
Deutsch: small (0.2 MB) | large (0.5 MB) | PDF (15.0 MB)
Français: small (0.2 MB) | large (0.5 MB) | PDF (15.0 MB)
Italiano: small (0.2 MB) | large (0.5 MB) | PDF (15.0 MB)

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