What is the solution?
NaturePositivity is a holistic and ambitious approach to sustainability that considers the climate crisis and the loss of biodiversity as equally important. Companies which adopt it as their compass strive to transform business throughout their whole value chain and generate more circularity.
This solution improves our resource security in the planet category.
How does it #MoveTheDate?
Companies which follow the NaturePositivity approach analyze their whole supply chain and improves it by adopting strategies designed to protect the climate and biodiversity as best as possible (scroll down for details on sustainable clothing company Hessnatur’s NaturePositivity practices). Only as a last step do they offset their remaining and non-avoidable CO2 emissions in projects that have a positive impact on the climate and biodiversity.
How is it scalable?
Any fashion company can adopt the NaturePositivity approach and turn it into action. It starts with putting this one large KPI on any part of the value chain: does it have a positive impact on nature? In addition, any compensation project should be reviewed to create a win-win situation for the climate and nature.
What is the solution?
NaturePositivity is a holistic and ambitious approach to sustainability that considers the climate crisis and the loss of biodiversity as equally important. Companies which adopt it as their compass strive to transform business throughout their whole value chain and generate more circularity.
This solution improves our resource security in the planet category.
How does it #MoveTheDate?
Companies which follow the NaturePositivity approach analyze their whole supply chain and improves it by adopting strategies designed to protect the climate and biodiversity as best as possible (scroll down for details on sustainable clothing company Hessnatur’s NaturePositivity practices). Only as a last step do they offset their remaining and non-avoidable CO2 emissions in projects that have a positive impact on the climate and biodiversity.
How is it scalable?
Any fashion company can adopt the NaturePositivity approach and turn it into action. It starts with putting this one large KPI on any part of the value chain: does it have a positive impact on nature? In addition, any compensation project should be reviewed to create a win-win situation for the climate and nature.

A good idea is most powerful when it is implemented at the right time. Now is the time for any organization, any company, to mitigate the climate and protect biodiversity as best as they are capable of.
In Hessnatur’s case, they started by taking a good look at every aspect of their supply chain. One example is promoting the cultivation of certified organic cotton in natural crop rotation. This keeps the soil healthy and fertile: 78% more earthworms are found in soils farmed organically compared to soils farmed conventionally with chemical intrants and heavy machinery. In addition, chemical pesticides and mineral fertilizers are prohibited from certified organic cultivation practices, which protects flora and fauna as well as groundwater. Genetically-modified seeds are also excluded from organic practices, which is another important factor for the preservation of biodiversity. Last but not least, cultivation takes place in small-scale farming operations, whose economic security and resilience is made stronger by the crops diversity that natural crop rotation provides.
Similarly, carbon-offset projects picked by Hessnatur to account for its remaining and non-avoidable CO2 emissions are designed to foster a long-term positive impact on the climate and biodiversity. Good examples are renaturalizing peatlands and converting conventionally used agricultural land to organic and regenerative farming operations.
Hessnatur is a sustainable fashion brand founded in 1976. The company’s overarching goal was manifested at its inception: It’s about nature; about products that are in harmony with nature, people and animals. It’s about a future worth living. They call this ” Für mehr Morgen”, which means “for more tomorrow”. It is explicitly not about more consumption but, rather. about more nature, quality of life, health and fairness. And about making the effects of our actions transparent and optimizing them for the benefit of all. Therefore, they strive to use only materials from nature in organic quality and exclude human- and environmentally toxic substances in the entire process. 92% of their products made from plant fibers have a certified organic origin.
There’s no benefit in waiting!
Acting now puts you at a strategic advantage in a world increasingly defined by ecological overshoot. Countless solutions exist that #MoveTheDate. They’re creative, economically viable, and ready to deploy at scale. With them, we can make ourselves more resilient and #MoveTheDate of Earth Overshoot Day. If we move the date 6 days each year, humanity can be out of overshoot before 2050.