What is the solution?
Selling premium quality carbon and biodiversity credits to drive large scale ecological restoration and protection through private sector funding.
This solution improves our resource security in the planet category.
How does it #MoveTheDate?
The sale of carbon and biodiversity credits funds projects which contribute to carbon sequestration as well as biodiversity restoration and protection.
How is it scalable?
rePLANET is a collaboration of various entrepreneurs and organizations committed to biodiversity and climate protection. One key partner is the research organization Operation Wallacea, which has partners in each of the 15 countries in which Operation Wallacea has worked over the last 20 years. This expertise and network affords rePLANET ample room for expansion into multiple countries and new regions.
What is the solution?
Selling premium quality carbon and biodiversity credits to drive large scale ecological restoration and protection through private sector funding.
This solution improves our resource security in the planet category.
How does it #MoveTheDate?
The sale of carbon and biodiversity credits funds projects which contribute to carbon sequestration as well as biodiversity restoration and protection.
How is it scalable?
rePLANET companies are currently operated by biodiversity and climate research organization Operation Wallacea, which has partners in each of the 15 countries in which the company has worked over the last 20 years. This leaves ample room for expansion into new regions.
The costs of these credits are deliberately kept competitive so that they attract large scale-funding to restore or protect substantial areas.

rePLANET is company with a simple focus: to drive large scale ecological restoration and protection through private sector funding. The company funds this work through the sale of carbon and biodiversity credits on the voluntary markets. For full disclosure; Global Footprint Network is one of the founders and shareholders of this company. It also has board representation.
One of rePLANET’s core principles is that the main beneficiary of the income raised should be the local stakeholders (owners, users or managers of the areas being restored or protected) instead of brokers and others based outside the countries of the ecosystems being restored or protected. In fact, it aims to bring at least 60% of the retirement value of the credits back to the local stakeholders – this is a multiple of current practice. rePLANET does this because it is fair, builds trust and makes the permanece of the restoration more likely. It also reduces the legitimate fear of countries that conventional credit schemes may unfairly exploit those countries as they extract value without bringing back little benefit.
Mangrove restoration projects are the primary way that rePLANET and its partners currently offer carbon sequestration. These projects deliver carbon sequestration in the form of biomass accumulation, and carbon retention services by protecting carbon-rich underwater soils from eroding.
As mangroves are restored, biocapacity is added to the world. Based on our global assessments using the National Footprint and Biocapacity Accounts, it takes about 3,370 (global) m2 to sequester one tonne of carbon dioxide every year. In this formula, global means one square meter with global average productivity.
One tonne of CO2 sequestration from restored ecosystems may cost 15 USD, which is the typical market price for a high-quality carbon credit. These 15 USD are a direct contribution to GDP.
Therefore, assuming a carbon credit value of 15 USD, we improve the global overshoot balance by 225 m2. per annual dollar value added. This is determined using the following calculation:
3,370 global m2 [per annual tonne of CO2 sequestration] / 15 $ [per tonne of of CO2 ] = 225 m2 per annual dollar reduction of global overshoot
This achievement is extraordinary. Because in contrast, the world economy requires 2.6 global m2 of ecologically productive space to produce one dollar value add every year. So each annual dollar, rather than increasing overshoot by 2.6 global m2, reduces it nearly 100 times.
There’s no benefit in waiting!
Acting now puts you at a strategic advantage in a world increasingly defined by ecological overshoot. Countless solutions exist that #MoveTheDate. They’re creative, economically viable, and ready to deploy at scale. With them, we can make ourselves more resilient and #MoveTheDate of Earth Overshoot Day. If we move the date 6 days each year, humanity can be out of overshoot before 2050.