‘Happy’ Earth Overshoot Day? /USA Today

‘Happy’ Earth Overshoot Day? /USA Today

We’ve Consumed More Than the Earth Can Produce This Year /NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC

We’ve Consumed More Than the Earth Can Produce This Year /NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC

Today is Earth Overshoot Day and that’s worrying/ THE HINDU

Today is Earth Overshoot Day and that’s worrying/ THE HINDU

Depuis cette nuit, la Terre vit sur ses réserves /LE MONDE

Depuis cette nuit, la Terre vit sur ses réserves /LE MONDE

Today, Humanity Has Spent Our Planet’s Budget for the Entire Year/HUFFINGTON POST

Today, Humanity Has Spent Our Planet’s Budget for the Entire Year/HUFFINGTON POST

Oggi è l’Overshoot Day. Scatta il debito ecologico /Repubblica

Oggi è l’Overshoot Day. Scatta il debito ecologico /Repubblica

Humans have already used up 2015’s supply of Earth’s resources/GUARDIAN

Humans have already used up 2015’s supply of Earth’s resources/GUARDIAN

Our environmental deficit is now beyond nature’s ability to regenerate / GUARDIAN

Our environmental deficit is now beyond nature’s ability to regenerate / GUARDIAN

Earth overshoot day, la battaglia delle risorse spiegata da chi tiene i conti col Pianeta / GREEN REPORT ITALY

Earth overshoot day, la battaglia delle risorse spiegata da chi tiene i conti col Pianeta / GREEN REPORT ITALY

The US now has an ‘ecological deficit,’ report finds / FORTUNE

NGO: Welt hat natürliche Ressourcen für 2014 schon aufgebraucht / ZEIT

NGO: Welt hat natürliche Ressourcen für 2014 schon aufgebraucht / ZEIT