The amount of wasted food is equivalent to about 9% of the global Ecological Footprint. If we cut food waste in half worldwide, we would #MoveTheDate of Earth Overshoot Day by 13 days.

At least one-third of all the food produced in the world is wasted every year in the fields, in people’s homes, and everywhere in between, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. Fruits and vegetables, plus roots and tubers have the highest wastage rates of any food (40-50%) compared to cereals (30%), fish (35%), oil seeds, meat and dairy (20%).

How can you take on food waste in your daily life? Is it about shopping smarter, and keeping your hard-earned money in your wallet instead of spending it on food that gets thrown away? Can you improve your household produce management—and whip up smoothies or cook soups at the end of the week? Can you improve operations at the restaurant or grocery store where you work to reduce waste? Or can you join a local organization whose mission it is to divert food from trash through donations to food aid organizations?

We are counting all the steps taken to #MoveTheDate. More steps mean more impact.


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Share a picture of your implemented food-waste reduction plan (delicious soup or veggie stew, food donation, etc.) on social media with the hashtag #MoveTheDate!

Now that you’ve learned about a step that you can take in your personal life, check out some of the many existing food-related solutions that companies, cities, and countries can deploy at scale to help humanity reach one-planet prosperity.

Low impact Macagn cheese production

Slow Food

Local breed conservation through small-scale farming

Slow Food

Preserving indigenous pig breeds

Slow Food

Nomadic pastoralism

Food waste prevention legislation

Plant-based meals in school canteens

Land Stewardship for Low Impact Beef Production

close up of growing rice grains

Improved Rice Production

Tree Intercropping

woman harvesting lettuce in short chain food system

Fostering short-chain food systems in the Mediterranean


Efficient Cooking

Regenerative Annual Cropping